通常,这种技术在生产之前使用,其中包含一个滴的单个重复文件被保存为具有直接重复的文件。以这种方式保存设计可以防止以后将文件输出到软件时出现问题,与 AVA 不同,该软件无法处理重复连接处的丢失。
- 打开要重复保存的设计。
- 转至查看菜单 >重复。
- 设置滴量,如果不需要滴,则将其保留为零。
- 输入所需的重复次数,然后单击“确定”。您将看到设计更改为选定的重复次数和正确的滴量。
- 转至编辑菜单 > 全选。
- 选择“裁剪工具” ,按住 ^(控制键)并在设计中单击以调出“裁剪工具”上下文菜单。
- 从上下文菜单中选择“从选择中设置”。将在重复文件周围与所选内容完全相同的位置绘制裁剪框。
This feature is a great tool for extending the size of your document. It lets you position the original design content in the centre, at the top, at the bottom, or on the left or right side of the new canvas and is great if you need to apply borders to your design.
You can access this feature from the Edit Menu > Extend Design Document.
• Extend Canvas By - this option lets you grow your canvas by automatically adding blank borders around it at a specified size.
• Total Size - use this option to specify the overall size of your canvas. When you use this option, the software automatically works out how large the borders need to be in order to satisfy the new document dimensions.
• Apply to - choose to apply the new dimensions to the first repeat of your file, or the current repeat. The current repeat is the number of repeats you are currently viewing your design in.
• Design Position - click on the blue arrows to specify where the original design content sits within the new document size.