Installing Print Factory

This article covers how to set up and configure a print factory, providing step-by-step instructions for a successful installation.

First Installation


Note: The Mac® version is designed to work at Administrator user account level, not on a Standard User account. 

  • You will be sent an email from Print Factory containing your password to log in, your email address will be your username.
  • Log into
  • Go to Support and Downloads to get the latest release of PrintFactory AVA Edition.

The initial installation of Print Factory will be the licence server (which can be altered down the line if need be). Subsequent installations on the network will be pointed to the IP address of the licence installation

  1. Download the latest PrintFactory pkg installer, install and restart the station. 
  2. Launch the Software Manager App
  3. Click Activate
  4. Sign into PrintFactory cloud if requested and choose your licence number from the available list of licences. Click 'OK' to activate. 

    An activation success message should appear and after a few short seconds, the connection status should display the double green ticks and reference the licence number. 
  5. Click 'Settings' and enter the IP address. When installing the primary licence server as the only PF source, ie. You design and print from the same station, a specific IP address of can be used in the software manager. This informs the PF cloud connection that the server is on the same station.  

Subsequent system installations

Print Factory can be installed on any number of systems on the same network as the main licence server. The installations can also be a mixture of Mac® and Windows systems. Installations can be, for example, on a stations purely dedicated to PMM calibration or layout submission or a system set up to run a different printer model (providing the model is included in the main licence). 

Installing to Run another printer model (included in the user licence)

  1. Prior to installation on this specific station, go to software manager app on the main licence server station and click update in the cloud tab. 
    Software Manager This Computer Update Software version Product Name: Serial Number: Subscription: Current build: License Server Settings PrintFactory 6 NFR (expires: 8 January 2020) 37188 8 January 2020 (10234) Cloud
  2. Go to the 3rd tab Info and check that the printer model required appears in the left hand list. The printer should be available if a recycle arrow appears next to the name. If the printer is shown as active then it will need to be de-activated from its original installation point. 
    Software Manager Select options License Type: Not for resale RIP Licenses: 10 Editor Licenses: 21 Layout Licenses 10 Single Driver 10: - Driver Class 1: Driver Class 2: Driver Class Driver Class 4: Driver Class 5: 23 Print Count: - Status Code: 410 License Status: Valid O CMG MX Engine VISIJ Engine I-Bit Proofing Profiling Advanced Editor Roll Cutters Industrial Cutters Raster Creator Variable Data TrueShape Nesting Interior Decoration Production Editor Workflow Integration Softproof Job Server
  3. Install Print Factory as per the instructions for the specific OS
  4. Once installed and in order for the installation to work in sync with licence server, the Software Manager app must be pointed to the specific IP address of the licence server system. This being said, Software Manager should automatically pick up on the licence on the network, so this step may not be necessary. 
    Software Manager This Computer Update Software version Product Name: Serial Number: Subscription: Current build: License Server PrintFactory 6 NFR 37188 (expires: 8 January 2020) 8 January 2020 (10234) Cloud

Installing as an Alternate Layout and/or Calibration Station 

  1. On the specific station, install Print Factory as per the instructions for the specific OS
  2. Once installed and in order for the installation to work in sync with licence server, the Software Manager app must be pointed to the specific IP address of the licence server system. This being said, Software Manager should automatically pick up on the licence on the network, so this step may not be necessary. 
    Software Manager This Computer Update Software version Product Name: Serial Number: Subscription: Current build: License Server PrintFactory 6 NFR 37188 (expires: 8 January 2020) 8 January 2020 (10234) Cloud
  3. Calibration, Layout and other related PF suite apps can now be used from that station. 

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