CMYK Picker: Colouring using CMYK values

Choosing colours from a CMYK colour space

When the CMYK picker is selected, you can pick colours using CMYK slider bars, or by typing percentages.

Using the CMYK Picker

Go to the ColourSys application menu > Setting > Colour Picker and choose CMYK.  Now when you bring up a picker from AVA it will show the CMYK picker.

You can choose which profile your picker is using by clicking the Open button next to the ICC profile name at the top of the picker window.  This can be actually be an RGB, CMYK or N-channel profile, the sliders will change depending on which type of profile you open.

Your chosen profile will then be shown at the top of the picker window.

Using the percentages dialogue boxes, you can manually enter your own percentages for each colour. 

Nudge arrows beside each slider enable you to refine a colour by very small amounts and as with most slider bars within AVA, if you hold the ⌥ (option key) key while using the sliders it give you a finer adjustment. 

If you wish to move a number of sliders at the same time, you can hold down the Shift key, click to move one slider and the others will move proportional.

If you wish to reset all sliders to 0%, simply click the Zero button at the bottom of the window.



If you select a profile for your printer or production, it will mean colours you pick will be in your printer or production colour gamut.  Prints though still go though the usual colour management - it's not directly controlling the heads of the printer, so for example even if the slider was set 100% yellow only there may still be a small amount of dots from other colours on the print, how much will depend on the accuracy of the profiles used.

This picker not intended as a technical ink mixing function, therefore even if you have a production ICC profile set, percentages entered in this window and those required in production to mix the colour will vary.

Compare Button

  • The CMYK Picker now has a compare button so you can visually compare your colour changes before setting the final colour. 

Setting Transparency

  • You can now set the individual colour transparency using the CMYK picker. Tick the Transparency option and use the slider bar to determine the correct value. 

Gamut Warnings

  • Both the current and original chip will now show gamut warnings. 

Using the Multiview Picker within the CMYK Picker Window

An alternative way to manually adjusting the sliders is to open the Multiview Picker from within the CMYK Picker to select your chosen colour, the sliders adapting automatically to display the corresponding values. This allows for more flexibility when creating colours and ease when making small adjustments.

To access the Multiview Picker from the CMYK Picker, simply hold down ⌥ (option key) and click on the large colour chip on the right side of the window. You can now make adjustments using the Hue, Saturation and Lightness sliders.


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