AVA file format compression

Optimising compression for exporting AVA files

While a higher compression is desirable, it takes longer to process the information as it is compressing the data. To provide more control on the file saving time, users have access to a compression setting where the compression level can be reduced to shorten the saving time. 

On newer and more powerful Apple®Mac® stations, the compression setting can be set to “Better” mode, as these computers handle the compression more quickly and makes the overall process unnoticeable. If however you work with a less powerful station, you will have to decide whether you want a smaller resulting file size which takes longer to save or a bigger resulting file size which is faster to save.

To access the compression settings used for the .ava4 file format, go to AVA Menu > Settings > File format, then click on the AVA tab available in the window.

Use the slider to define the type of compression applied when saving in AVA 4 file format. You have two types of compression:

  • Faster - when the slider is positioned close to the Faster option, the compression is done quickly but results in a less compressed file
  • Better - when the slider is positioned close to the Better option, the compression is more efficient, but is slower

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